Football, like most sports, is associated with a certain risk of injury for the players. However, scientific studies have shown that the incidence of football injuries can be reduced by prevention programmes.
The prevention programme “The 11” was developed by FIFA’s medical research centre (F-MARC) in cooperation with a group of international experts. “The 11” is a simple, catchy and time-efficient preventive programme that comprises ten evidence-based or best-practice exercises and the promotion of Fair Play. It requires no equipment other than a ball, and can be completed in 10-15 minutes (after a short period of familiarisation). The exercises focus on core stabilisation, eccentric training of thigh muscles, proprioceptive training, dynamic stabilisation and plyometrics with straight leg alignment. The programme is efficient as most of the exercises simultaneously train different aspects and can replace other exercises.
“The 11” should be performed in every training session after a warm-up and stretching of all the important muscle groups. Precise performance of the exercises is important in order to ensure their effect. The sequence of exercises should be followed. Before each match, a shortened version (only exercises 4, 5, 8) of “The 11” should be carried out.
The benefits of the programme include improved performance and also injury prevention. In addition, when respecting Fair Play, you can further reduce the risk of injury to yourself and other players.
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Αν έχετε απορίες – ερωτήσεις ή θέλετε να ενταχθείτε σε κάποιο απο τα εξατομικευμένα προγράμματα του Φυσικοθεραπευτηρίου “Kinesiotherapy” που προσαρμόζονται συνεχώς στις δικές σας ανάγκες, επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας.
Γκέλσης Ιωάννης – Φυσικοθεραπευτής – Kinesiotherapy – Ωραιόκαστρο – Θεσσαλονική